Lego Wisdom
"Lessons Learned from an unconventional space"

The little one's here refer to themselves as the "Weefolk". We have bricks made from many different companies. No monopolies here. So rather than being labeled after a company's brand name they prefer to just honor themselves .... thus they are the Weefolk of the village.
So what is some of the wisdom we learn from the Weefolk?

Our minds, bodies, souls, need creative expression. A movement of thought and ideas in flowing energies is essential to health. Unbridled, untethered energy flowing freeform brings us joy. An artist can often get caught up needing money, needing to express what their audience wants, what will sell, what will make them a living. The Weefolk's world is outside of those limitations. These aren't for sale. There are No Reins on the creativity. It is a world far outside of the box. A world where we honor our creative expressions. Simple Joy.

You can build what ever you want. There are no guidelines, no rules, no building codes, no building inspectors, no mobs of conforming neighbors saying what you should do, telling you what colors work. What you build doesn't have to make sense. It is just simply raw creative expression. And there are no time constraints, no deadlines. You can create whatever you want with what you have whenever you want. No rules. It teaches us to let go of what others think, and to follow our own rhythm, our own path.

If you don't like something do it differently. You can change things. You can Redo the last thing, the last half hour. You can totally demolish the whole thing and start over. It's all fine. The bricks are designed with that in mind. That is their whole purpose. It brings us the wisdom to re-evaluate what we are doing. We don't have to stay on a set course if we decide we want to change.

You have to work with what you have. You only have what is before you. What has life given you? In this case these blocks in front of you. What are you going to do with them? If you sit and ponder blocks you don't have, then you get caught up in lack, you won't build today. You pretty much have to work with what life has given you. - And Yes you can dream bigger! You can think about bigger dreams tomorrow. You can order more blocks, more kits, in the future. You can dream. Dreaming is good. But today you work with what you have.

. . . Well OK you can cheat a little. These guys like to modify blocks a little bit. But hey, that's all part of the creativity and not following any rules. A table saw cut here, a drill there, a little spray paint. It's all Cool.

You can not only build things that don't make sense, you can build things that would be impossible in the real world. If a structure is still standing a few moments after it goes up then it's a success. The Weefolk celebrate. It doesn't matter if it makes sense. It doesn't matter if it would work or not in the real world that it may represent. In the Weefolk world seemingly impossible building is fine, perhaps encouraged. The Weefolk, are immortal. They are impervious to things that would kill us. The wee folk apparently don't have bad knees either as the standard stair step is a foot tall. They are not afraid of heights. They can fall off the top of an eight story building and run back up to play some more. Then can be pulled in half and put back together to dance a moment later. They show us a world where there are no limitations, where we can push the boundaries, and find a place to dream. (ie. Sure you can stick a Grand Victorian Mansion 8 floors up on a castle tower. Why Not?)

And as my sister once pointed out. Are these built for the us or the Weefolk?
Yea we can look at the building from a block away with our view as a giant. We can see what we like to see in the village from our perspective. But it isn't our village! It's their village! What do they want?
She is right. It's a perspective shift when we come at it from their peculiar view. It's a chance to take our adult self out of the scene and allow the childlike innocence to capture the mind. A place where dreams can happen. The Weefolk, child in us, wants warm, uplifting places. For example.... We want a smaller patio dinner for two. And why not make it stuck impossibly floating off the side of the tenth floor of the towering Gothic Castle. Why not? For no rhyme or reason. It simply would be nice for two to have a nice dinner with an awesome view. Or perhaps the Weefolk want a fire pit way up on the rooftop of the building. A place where they can come hangout late at night with friends and stargaze. They may want a ridiculous staircase that connects the ground floor with the sixth floor pizza place stuck precariously on the side of the building. We find creativity flows where the child within leads. With this quality we reconnect with our inner child, our innocence. (and by the way I know that's an E not number. There are No rules to follow with the weefolk including numbering this list.)

Nothing lasts. When things collapse we rebuild differently. Things improve each time. Every time a kit has been taken apart, sometimes by accident, sometimes by hostile siblings, and sometimes we feel a bold personal move to simply do it differently it comes out good. Every time it has led to something new, a unique different expression, often better, sometimes worse, it doesn't matter. We have to accept, not be attached to what was. We have to embrace what is coming. Impermanence and unattachment is in all of the ancient teachings. Life is short. We have to fully appreciate the moments. We have to live life to the fullest, be creative, and share with friends in Love.
We have this moment to share and find Joy.
