White Raven
White Ravens are a sign of the Light finally returning to the Earth as we awaken our true inner selves and remember who we really are. Great change is happening all around us. May our hearts and dreams lead the way.
White Raven and Earth Changes.
There are ancient legends and prophesies that tell us how Raven became black. In the beginning he was white and he sacrificed part of himself in the process of bringing light to humanity. He had such great compassion and care for us that he forgot who he really was in this process, and accepted the shadow of darkness. Throughout our dark ages Raven has always been beside us on our paths bringing us messages and insight.
We are finally at the time where the light is returning and we are remembering who we are. Our True Selves are awakening from Within and we are reconnecting with Spirit. As this new energy is flooding the earth many white ravens are now being seen in Alaska and Canada. They are not albino but have blue eyes. They mirror our awakening and returning to the light. May we embrace this great change and know that good signs are everywhere and we have Spirit in many forms beside us.
[aprox. size: just under 1-1/2" wingtip to wingtip]
* Each piece is strung on adjustabe length Black Cotton Cord,
and includes a card with the message above written on it.